May 30, 2012

Boy oh boy!

 These days the boys are just growing too fast for me. I had to do a little photo session just to make sure I'm keeping memories of how adorable they are! Lots of pics...some day I may be able to pick just one or two to post, but that day is not today.
 (here I asked them to show me their hats and of course they both pull them off :)

 Mason is a man of many faces...each so cute or extremely hilarious!

 Bridger is such a sweet boy and great example to Mason

 They also have a lot of fun playing with the screen...Mason especially thinks it is hilarious when Bridger pushes against his hands. Oh the little things that make us laugh

May 28, 2012

Walking Boy!

 Birthday posts coming up, but first things first! Mason has been walking for a while now (mid April)...shows you how bad I've been at blogging, buy hey in my defense, May is a super buys month, with both boys bdays and Tay and my anniversary, and family coming in town. Now things have calmed down and I can just enjoy looking back on some special memories.
 Mason is such a good little walking boy. I can't believe he is already little baby boy is getting so big!! It's funny to see him waddling around...especially since he has massive thighs and little peg leg feet :) 

 He also LOVES that he can pick things up and carry them around. New favorite activity for him.

May 20, 2012

Measuring up

Now that the boys are one and two years old, we've had to do some measuring! (Tay made the cute!) I can't believe how fast time flies by and how big they are already! Oh my!

So big!!!
Good job Bridger helping us out measure

...and a side note of some pictures to show how cute Bridger is during FHE

Birthday Celebration with Family

Happy 2 years to Bridger and 1 year to Mason! We love you both so much our sweet little boys!!!

Bridger was a pro this year blowing out the candle 

and Mason...well he tried :) Maybe next year haha

such a good older brother to help out :)

May 13, 2012


I made some muffins the other day, and the boys really enjoyed "helping" out...I think the pictures speak for themselves...

May 3, 2012

Super Boys!

 SO this pics are from February but rediscovered them the other day and had to post them. My little boys well are just SUPER!
BAM! SUPERMAN! (Bridger)
 Up up up and away!
 WAM! BAT BOY! (Mason)

 Two super heros, one purpose: be the cutest boys alive! O ya ;)
 Bridger felt he needed to add something more to his outfit 
So cute...he's holding Superman (different version all in black) while he ran around "flying" :)