Playing games like "pass the pigs". If you've never played it before, you need to :)
This hike, called "Fat Man's Misery" was well named. However as Rich said, "It became skinny man's misery too"...
We got a lost down the wrong canyon and had some help getting back out of some pretty technical stuff. We had fun coming down though as we repelled some pretty fun drops and also we had fun coming out too as we were in pretty good spirits. We ended up getting back a little after midnight and hiked for 15 hours! What a day!
We jumped down a few higher places too that were fun as we would jump into a big pile of soft sand...
This is where we got stuck and waited as each of us were pulled back up a 40 foot cliff! You can see them in the back getting the line ready.
Poor Melissa just waiting for us to get home and worrying like crazy (as well as Tay's family who were waiting for us to get back). As soon as we got back and got some reception, we called them to let them know we were safe and on our way home.