Feb 4, 2010

Oh how I love him!!

Oh how I love this man! First of all, I was too tired to want to do laundry and so here he is helping out, and secondly, look how much fun he makes it seem! He sings and dances all the time and it's a very rare moment when I can get it on video. Notice how he's singing Christmas music :) I love it!


  1. HA!!!! Tay is a funny one! He can come over and fold my laundry and sing Christmas music anytime. I'm sure Shane will join in, and you know Kita would love a visitor.

    Thank you for not getting a creepy baby counter widget. This one is very non creepy, and I love that I can be excited that your baby will recognize light this week!!

  2. YAY! Were blogger buddies, way cute blog by the way! Its fun to see all of the things you guys do together! I can't view the video at work, but don't you fret I will be checking it out it sounds very funny!!

  3. I never thought about Tay looking like Tom Cruise but I was Facebook stalking him cause your family pictures are adorable and he had his 'celebrity look alike' on there and he totally does! Nicely done Cami!

    p.s. he folds laundry like a boy. lol

  4. Ha, That is hysterical not to mention how off tune he is, which I am sure he tried very hard to get it that way :-) Love it! miss you guys

  5. Congrats girl! I am so excited for you to have a little one! They are the best things in the world! You are so beautiful! I love your family photos! They are amazing! love you girl and wish you the best of luck through the rest of the pregnancy! I cannot wait to see your little blessing from heaven!!
