Aug 31, 2009

Have you ever had a day like this?

I hope my children love me as much as this boy loves
bacon! I know Taylor does :) Other mother just doesn't
know how to treat him right.

"This actually reminds me a lot of my early years, the
simple times when you could just pack up your
Spider-man Playskool suitcase and leave. It never worked
out though because my parents would just slowly drive
along side of me and offer to take me to get a McDonalds
milkshake. That sort of kills the drama of running away"

Aug 20, 2009


Here we are starting the 10 mile hike down to the Havasupai campground and falls...
Brad and Holly Petty came with us and we had a lot of fun with them! that's the way to relax!

This is Havasupai Falls

Look how pretty we are in our different color rain ponchos!
Going to Church there was so neat! Only about 9 of us were there for meeting and we all got to participate. It was really neat that Tay and Brad were called on to bless the sacrament.

doing the dishes :)

me climbing down to mooney fun!

here's Mooney falls!

this is us trying to do scary faces...although looking at this picture it's really not scary at all :)
we had so much fun playing in all the little falls coming off of mooney falls...lots of little currents to ride in and a lot of fun exploring! we all felt like little kids again :)

taylor is a little dare devil

Aug 17, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House

Such a beautiful temple! We really had a great time going to the open house and to see the inside of the Oquirrh mountain temple. There were so many pictures of the Savior inside and of course cute Ian pointed at each one and loudly said, "Jesus!".
Here we are waiting in line...
Such a beautiful place to be with the Family to remember what is really important in life.
...and of course what's a family get together without some food :)

Aug 13, 2009

How time flies!

Some pics I forgot to post from Christine's (tay's sister) wedding. It was a lot of fun and reminded us of how fast time goes by. We've already been married for over a year and still having a good time, although I'm not sure if Tay fully appreciates my kisses like he used to as you can see :)

Aug 6, 2009

I saw this video today and couldn't stop laughing...I guess it's inherit in some women to just talk and talk and talk.... It makes us extra grateful to all the men out there who take the time to listen. I love it!