So our baby story may seem boring to some, but to us it will be one we'll never forget! I'm not one to usually write much, but the little details all of sudden mean so much to me now...maybe because all of those details add up to something so special in this case. To go back a couple of weeks at my weekly doctor apts., the doctor told me that I was not progressing at all and that he wouldn't be surprised if I went over my due date (May 15th). He let us know that he would induce me on May 24th if we hadn't had the baby by then. To keep me from going stir crazy, I just then assumed that May 24th is when I would have the baby. I felt like I had plenty of time to get things done and was taking my sweet time. This last Tuesday (May 11th), the doctor checked me again and told me he was going to throw me a curve ball...I was dilated at a 2 and 100% effaced! He said I had two choices...1. Wait for mother nature and just let this baby come when he wants to. He said as a warning though that the baby would probably be growing an ounce a day! or 2. I can be induced tomorrow (wednesday) morning! I was in shock and just inhaled sharply with a big open smile! Of course tomorrow! I am so excited for this baby to come (of course at the same time the words were leaving my mouth, I had a running list going in my head already of all the things we needed to get done that day). After leaving the doctors, we got a bunch of errands done, cleaned and finished some laundry and then as a last hoorah we went out to a movie and dinner (Ironman 2 and Rooster-dumpling and noodle bar). We then went home and tried to get some sleep. I failed miserably as the anticipation was too much. I was so excited!
Here we are at the hospital...Got there at 5am, put on pitocin at 6am, epidural at 8am, contractions all day (I slept through most of the day for a total of probably 10 hours :) while Tay was super bored...but super supportive and patient too! To start my epidural was a pretty high dosage and I got numb too high so they took me down and then I could feel mostly everything which I didn't like as the contractions got stronger, so they upped it again and I was in drowsy heaven. For some reason the epidural made me so sleepy but it was perfect as I got caught up on my rest! Tay just sat next to me as I slept hypnotized by the monitor screen seeing my contractions go up and down, up and down... :)
Dr. Judd has been such a great doctor!
One happy family!
Poor tired Tay...he didn't get as much sleep as mommy (thank you epidural :). Can you see the resemblance? Like father like son